Screen 4

screen4.jpg (8378 bytes)

This screen allows you to make some selections that will control the 3D (VRML) and 2D (HTML) output.

If the VCR Controls box is checked (selected), a VCR control panel (shown below) will be included with the image cube or carousel.

screen4a.gif (2752 bytes)

This panel allows the user to control the playback of your image cube or carousel. The square button in the middle is the stop button. The single triangles to either side of the center allow the user to "step" through the images, once per click,  to the right or to the left. The double triangles "play" the cube or carousel smoothly to the right or left. The two "tour busses" are similar in function to "play", except the 3D scene pauses for a few seconds at each image, providing a "tour" of the images. The circle on the left gives the cube or carousel a random spinning or tumbling motion. The "?" on the right provides some simple on-screen help, describing the remote control buttons. Finally the gold window shade on the left allows rolling up the remote control to get it out of the way.

The Animation Speed can be set to slow, medium, or fast. This will control the speed of the the tour, play, and spin/tumble animations. You can select whether the object in the scene is initially stopped (none), playing to the left or right, or set to spin/tumble mode.

The background color selector changes the background color of the 3D scene. A description of how to use the color selector can be found in the help section for Screen 3.

Selecting the "Anchor" checkbox provides a link to a Web address or "URL." If this option is selected, the cube/carousel will be a live link to the specified Web page. In the unregistered version, this option is automatically selected and cannot be unselected. In addition, our Website address is entered into the URL field. We figure if you're not going to pay us, the least you can do is advertise for us :) In the registered version, this option is unselected by default. If you select it, our URL is entered initially, but you are welcome to change it, if you'd like.

On the bottom of this screen is a type-in area for a " Document Title" and "Page Caption". The document title will show up in the Title Bar of the HTML page. It is initially set to say 3D Image Cube from TriVista, but this can be changed to be any title you'd like. The page caption is initially left blank. If you enter some text for a caption, it will be displayed directly above the 3D image cube or carousel.